Once I be held her face in suffering, twice in consternation and countless in joy. Whom amongst us mortals suffer in Faith? Whose mourns hurts with joy? Cleopatra Cleopatra like a chant is forever imprinted in our hearts, your strength and smile a remnant of all that which is godly. *PATHWAY TO BEYOND* do you ever wonder on what's on the other side.. do you ponder on its big mysteries. ... what lies in wait when we cross to the vale beyond... is it the temples of Valhalla. ..or the pristine towers of Beulah .. it's only through death we can get there... it's only sure path...the dreary icy grips of death. a journey of no return ...a place of no descend. Cleo the Word has cleared your path...and only rest shall you fine *TO SHE WHO BELIEVED* Till the very end she believed... at the very peak she smiled.. Cleo ..fierce in spirit..abundant in hope. to she who always believed. *IN A TUNNEL* Darkness wherever I t...